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Residential addresses from the register will be used for the mail-out of unique login numbers and other correspondence. They will also be provided to Census Field Officers to allow them to follow up dwellings that have not returned a form. In areas where the register is considered to be of poor quality, necessitating delivery of Census materials by Census Field Officers, the officers will record the addresses of the dwellings they visit, for inclusion in the register. All addresses provided during the Census, including those provided on Census forms and those recorded by Census Field Officers, may be used to validate the quality and coverage of the register. This will maintain it as a comprehensive listing of residential and business addresses in Australia. SCOPE OF THE CENSUS The scope of the Census is all people in Australia on Census Night, excluding foreign diplomats and their families. Visitors to Australia are counted regardless of how long they have been in the country or how long they plan to stay. Australian residents out of the country on Census Night are out of the scope of the Census. It is expected that in 2016, for the first time, people in Norfolk Island on Census Night will be included in the Australian Census, following passage of the Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015. The Territories of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island will again be included in the 2016 Census. Following the enactment of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992, the results for these Territories were included in the counts for Australia for the first time in 1996. People will be counted where they are on Census Night. This Census count is referred to as one conducted on an actual location or place of enumeration basis (often referred to as a de facto Census). Census counts will also be available on a place of usual residence basis. VARIED ENUMERATION STRATEGIES The ABS uses a range of approaches for specific population groups to ensure the coverage of people in Australia is as complete as possible. These strategies are designed, in consultation and collaboration with the relevant communities and/or service providers, to ensure these groups participate in the Census and accurate information is collected. Some examples of population groups where such targeted approaches have been used to optimise accessibility and inclusion are:
A range of approaches have been used in previous Censuses, for information on the approach taken in the 2011 Census, see 2011 Census Special Enumeration Strategies (cat. no. 2911.0.55.004). For the 2016 Census, the ABS will build on the success of the 2011 strategies. The targeted approaches and associated procedures used in 2011 are being reviewed and revised, to take into account the new Census enumeration model. SPECIAL DWELLINGS A number of approaches will be in place to ensure people in certain kinds of dwelling are included in the Census. These are dwellings that may be difficult to access, or which offer transient accommodation, with the result that the occupants are harder to contact and less likely to complete the Census. People who are in a non-private dwelling, such as a hotel or hospital, on Census Night, are given a Census Personal Form by staff of the establishment who have been recruited as Special Field Officers. People who live in a private dwelling that is clustered with other private dwellings in an establishment or in a particular location, for example, in a secure apartment building, caravan park, marina or manufactured home estate, complete Census Household Forms as do other households in private dwellings. For these types of dwelling, it is anticipated that the Census materials will generally be dropped off by Census Field officers rather than mailed out. People in special dwellings will also be able to complete the Census online. PUBLIC AWARENESS The ABS is highly conscious of the contribution that public cooperation and willing participation make to the Census. In turn, the ABS seeks to respect this contribution by returning the data we produce in easy to use and accessible forms. In 2016, a key aim will be to maintain existing high levels of goodwill and participation with the move to the digital-first Census. In order to minimise the cost to the taxpayer and reduce the number of interactions that households need to have with the ABS, we aim to encourage households to self-respond to the Census in a timely fashion after receiving their letter, in order to remove the need for a household visit. A major national public awareness and education campaign will be implemented in the lead up to, during and after Census night. The campaign will educate the public on the value and usefulness of the information collected and the confidentiality of the information provided, as well as raise awareness of how and when to complete the Census. Particular attention will be paid to communicating with groups identified as having barriers to participation. These include young people, the rural community, people with a disability, and those for whom English is not a convenient language in which to receive information. Communication materials will reflect the diverse range and needs of Australians and international visitors, by realistically portraying their interests, lifestyles and contributions to Australian society. Assistance will also be available where it is needed most, including the operation of a telephone and online inquiry service, self-help facilities and other mechanisms of supported participation. These services will include facilities for people who are blind or vision impaired, deaf people or people with other physical or cognitive disabilities. NON COOPERATION It is expected that the public awareness campaign on the nature of the Census, the assurances of confidentiality and the uses of the resulting statistics will ensure maximum cooperation. Action, including legal action, will be considered only where all possible measures to ensure completion of a Census form have failed. FRONT PAGE OF PAPER 2016 CENSUS HOUSEHOLD FORM Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.